How to Dress Your Staircase: Elevating Your Home's Interiors


Typically, a staircase is one of the first things you see when entering a home, so if you don’t love it, start from scratch. If your outdated stairs are cramping your style, fear not! Let’s explore the anatomy of a staircase and ways to dress it up.





Balusters, the traditionally vertical posts that line your staircase railing, are far more than just structural components. They present a unique opportunity to infuse your home with personality and style.

Whether you envision a timeless, classic aesthetic or a bold, sculptural statement, the options for balusters are practically endless. There are countless standard styles and materials available, with the price generally increasing as the designs become more intricate and detailed.

However, if your budget permits, considering a custom baluster solution could be a game-changer. This allows you to truly make your staircase a one-of-a-kind feature that reflects your personal style. You could even explore innovative approaches, such as eliminating the balusters altogether and incorporating sleek materials like plexiglass for the vertical supports.


The newel post serves as a fundamental structural element typically styled to coordinate with the balusters. Just as load-bearing walls provide essential support for the house, newel posts bear the weight of the staircase. Without the newel post’s support, a staircase would lack the necessary strength to withstand daily use and could potentially become unsafe.



The tread is where you make your mark – literally! Treads are typically finished in stone, wood, or carpet, but consider layering a stair runner to add dimension. One with a pattern will create a bigger wow factor! While stair runners can be a bit of an investment, you can opt for engineered wood instead of solid wood treads to achieve a sophisticated look at a bit better price point.

Pro tip: leave 4 to 6 inches on each side of your runner for a polished finish. To take it up another notch, consider adding stair runner metal rods; they’re like jewelry for your stairs, instantly elevating the space.



Risers are vertical pieces that connect each tread, serving both functional, aesthetic, and safety purposes. The height of risers is important, as it directly impacts user safety and comfort. Building codes typically specify acceptable riser heights to ensure uniformity and prevent tripping hazards. Choose from a range of materials like wood, metal, or tile to complement your home's architecture or step outside of the box. For a modern aesthetic, you could even eliminate the riser altogether and opt for a floating staircase. From classic to statement-making, these unsung design elements can elevate your entire staircase.


Handrails provide safety and support, but they can still add flair to the staircase. Who said they must match your balusters? Get creative! Mix and match materials to add visual interest. Wood and iron, for example, can create a dynamic contrast. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations.




Illuminate your staircase with stylish sconces or showcase your favorite artwork (or artful wallcovering) along the walls. Taking a trip up the stairs will feel like sauntering through your favorite gallery.



Consider adding millwork to the walls surrounding the staircase for a classic and tailored look. This architectural detailing can introduce dimension and sophistication. With a bit of creativity and attention to detail, you can transform this functional element into a stunning focal point. Whether you opt for custom balusters, a chic stair runner, or a unique handrail combination, your staircase can become a true reflection of your style. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your inspiration, and let the staircase makeover begin!

Aimee Eversole